“Good people die, and no one understands or even cares. But when they die, no calamity can hurt them. Those who live good lives find peace and rest in death.”
(Isaiah 57:1-2 GNT)
It breaks our heart as we pay tribute to our late colleague, Mr. Michael Okine. There are so many memories when we think of our time with Michael and so we shall miss him dearly.
As colleagues, we knew you were not well but we cherished the zeal and humour with which you were handling your situation. When we visited you and spent time with you during your birthday, and other subsequent visits, you were full of strength and humour, such that nobody thought we would lose your very soon. You were humble, hopeful, generous and loving. Your sense of maturity, and some of the pieces of advice which you gave some of your mates were so deep rooted that some of them confess using them anytime they find themselves in difficult situation and they need encouragement to move on successfully in life.
As grownups, nothing shocks us anymore, and we take everything in our stride, but the news of your death has ripped our heart apart. For the first time we were unable to console ourselves with phrases like, “God knows best,” or “you are in a better place.” No! none of that makes sense to us. We want you back and it is difficult for us to accept that this is part of God’s master plan. We need you. We always thought of ourselves as brave people, until we were faced with the thought of calling at your home to greet your bereaved family. What were we going to say to them? How could we console them when we could not find the words to console ourselves?
Paduan Michael, we love you. You will forever remain in our hearts. Until we meet again, sleep well in the Lord’s bosom.